
Minecraft 22w45a

A new snapshot with even more creative inventory tweaks. See the changelog.


Block of Bamboo and Stripped Block of Bamboo both have hardness and blast resistance values of 2, the same as bamboo and other logs.

Block of Bamboo and Stripped Block of Bamboo both smelt 1.5 items per block and have the same flammability as overworld wood types.

The axe is the best tool for both new blocks.

The Block of Bamboo recipe is unlocked by the Bamboo item. The Bamboo Planks recipe is unlocked by Block of Bamboo.


The standing eye heights for certain mobs have changed.

Mob Adult Baby
Piglin 1.79 0.98
Zombified Piglin 1.79 0.98
Vex 0.3625 N/A


Added block and item tag #bamboo_blocks.

Removed #overworld_natural_logs item tag.

Default Skins

When a player has no custom skin, their UUID is used to determine which default skin and model to use.

String[] models = new String[]{"slim", "wide"};
String[] skins = new String[]{"alex", "ari", "efe", "kai", "makena", "noor", "steve", "sunny", "zuri"};

int n = Math.floorMod(uuid.hashCode(), 18);
skinModel = models[n / 9];
defaultSkin = skins[n % 9];

Minecord now supports looking up the new default skin for any player or UUID.