
Minecraft 22w42a

The first 1.19.3 (and 1.20) snapshot is here! See the changelog.

Experimental Features

Some features are experimental and only appear in worlds when certain feature flags are enabled. The three feature flags are VANILLA, BUNDLE, and UPDATE_1_20.

If a custom loot table selects a disabled item, then the loot table will act as if it selected nothing. As an example, take a mob that drops oak planks or bamboo planks with 50-50 chance when all features are enabled. When bamboo planks are disabled, that mob will instead drop oak planks or nothing with 50-50 chance.


Camels have 32 health (16 hearts), a 0.09 movement speed attribute, and a 0.42 jump strength attribute.

Pose Length Height Width Eye height Passenger offset
Standing 1.7 2.375 1.7 2.275 1.775
Sitting 1.7 0.945 1.7 0.845 0.345
Standing (baby) 0.85 1.1875 0.85 1.0875 1.525
Sitting (baby) 0.85 0.4725 0.85 0.3725 0.095

If a camel is sprinting and not on dash cooldown, then the camel has effectively 0.1 more movement speed (the movement speed attribute stays unchanged).

A camel takes 40 ticks (2 seconds) to sit down and 52 ticks (2.6 seconds) to stand up.

Camels cannot be pushed by entities while sitting or transitioning poses, but they can be moved by pistons.

Feeding cactus to a camel heals it by 2 health (1 heart).

A new structure was added: village/desert/camel


Dash cooldown is 55 ticks (2.75 seconds).

Dashing works by adding the dash velocity in blocks/tick to the camel’s current velocity.

The horizontal part of the dash velocity is given by
22.2222 * jumpScale * movementSpeed * blockSpeedFactor

  • jumpScale is how full the jump bar is, from 0 to 1
  • movementSpeed is the movement speed attribute
  • blockSpeedFactor is 0.4 if the camel is on soul sand or honey, and 1 otherwise

The vertical part of the dash velocity is given by
1.4285 * jumpScale * (jumpStrength * blockJumpFactor + 0.1 * jumpBoostAmplifier)

  • jumpScale is how full the jump bar is, from 0 to 1
  • jumpStrength is the jump strength attribute
  • blockJumpFactor is 0.5 if the camel is on honey, and 1 otherwise
  • jumpBoostAmplifier is the jump boost potion effect level, where 0 is no effect, 1 is Jump Boost I, and so on

With no potion effects and default movement speed and jump strength, a camel’s maximum dash velocity is 2 blocks/tick horizontally and 0.6 blocks/tick vertically. Each jump boost level gives about 23.81% more vertical velocity.


Camels immediately stand up when taking damage. A leashed camel will stand up if the leash is at least 6 blocks away and the camel is not transitioning poses.

A camel will randomly sit down or stand up if

  • it is not walking
  • it is not in water
  • it is not leashed
  • it is on the ground
  • it has been standing for at least 348 ticks (17.4 seconds) or sitting for at least 360 ticks (18 seconds)
  • it does not have a passenger that controls its movement (like a player)

Baby camels will follow adults when they are between 5-16 blocks of each other.

Camels have a 2x speed modifier while idling, a 2.5x multiplier when tempted by cactus or following an adult, and a 4x multiplier when panicking.


Allays immediately stop dancing when panicking.

Allays will not pick up items if the held and picked up items have Potion tags that are not equal.


Breeding two goats now have these chances for the baby to be a screaming goat

  Regular Screaming
Regular 2% 51%
Screaming 51% 100%

Goats now only jump to opaque full cube blocks that mobs can pathfind normally over.

Other Mobs

Horses, donkeys, and mules without passengers now have a 1/3 chance to rear when hurt.

Rabbits now always drop 1 meat.

If the target block, the block below, or the block above are fluids, then the frog will not jump. Otherwise, the frog will jump if the below conditions are met:

  • the target block or the block below are in the #frog_prefer_jump_to tag (lily pad and big dripleaf)
  • the target block or the block below is a trapdoor
  • the target block is an opaque full cube block that mobs can pathfind normally over


Bamboo wood blocks have the same hardness and blast resistance values as other wood types. Bamboo mosaic blocks have the same hardness and blast resistance values as the corresponding plank blocks.

All bamboo blocks except mosaic slabs have the same flammability as overworld wood types.

The axe is the best tool for all bamboo wood, including mosaic blocks.

Chiseled Bookshelf

Chiseled bookshelves have a hardness and blast resistance value of 1.5, the same as regular bookshelves.

Chiseled bookshelves smelt 1.5 items per block, the same as regular bookshelves.

The axe is the best tool for chiseled bookshelves, but silk touch is required to drop the block.

Hanging Signs

Hanging signs have a hardness and blast resistance value of 1, the same as regular signs.

Players unlock the hanging sign recipe when they obtain stripped logs.

Crouch clicking places signs in the opposite configuration.

The max text line width is 50 (90 for regular signs) and the text line height is 8 (10 for regular signs).


The pressure plate hitbox was changed from 0.75 blocks wide to 0.875 blocks wide.

Beacons now keep their name when placed down and mined.

Stronghold placement works the exact same way as before, the only change is which random numbers are picked for each seed.

Panorama scroll speed is bound from 0% to 100% even when edited in options.txt, though saving panorama scroll speed currently doesn’t work.

MC-112826 was fixed but not included in the changelog.


Added five new block tags:

all_hanging_signs (1.20)
ceiling_hanging_sign (1.20)
wall_hanging_signs (1.20)

Added the stripped_logs item tag.

The #invalid_spawn_inside block tag defines blocks that a player cannot spawn inside when respawning or getting up from a bed or respawn anchor. If there are no valid spawn locations, the bed or respawn anchor is obstructed.


Added five new splashes:

You are valid!  
I'm glad you're here!  
You are welcome here!  
Your gender is valid!  
Contains infinite genders!

The client jar now contains these folders:


Chat types are in this format:

  "chat": {
    "parameters": [
      "sender (optional)",
      "target (optional)",
      "content (optional)"
    "style (optional)": {
      "(various style fields)"
    "translation_key": "<translation key>"
  "narration": {
    "parameters": [
      "sender (optional)",
      "target (optional)",
      "content (optional)"
    "translation_key": "<translation key>"

The translation key points to a format string such as <%s> %s. The string will be formatted with the message sender, target (for private messages), and content in the order they are listed in the parameters field. For example, if the parameters are sender then content, then <%s> %s will become <sender> content.

The (various style fields) is the style fields such as color and bold defined in the json chat format.

The chat_type folder contains these chat types:



The chat signing and chat reporting formats have changed. These changes may be covered at a later time.


Nov 18 2022

  • Slight wording change