
Minecraft 22w13oneblockatatime

This snapshot may be a joke, but the automation and speedrunning potential is not! See the changelog.

Advanced Yeet Techniques

Yeet a block upwards and let it land on your head to put that block on your head.

Having a snow or ice-type block on your head will make you freeze.

Throwing a carved pumpkin or barrel onto a mob will put that block on the mob’s head. Throwing a cactus onto an entity with a pumpkin head will shear the pumpkin.

Throwing cactus or pointed dripstone will shear sheep. Throwing wool onto a sheep will change the sheep’s color.

Throwing an item into fire or lava will smelt it.

Holding a chicken will make the player fall slowly.

Holding a bee will let players “fly”.

Holding a pig will let players stick to ceilings (the pig is upside-down).

Holding a magma cube will make the player immune to fire.

Holding an enderman will make the player randomly teleport.

Holding a spider will let the player climb walls.

Holding a mob that throws projectiles will make that mob shoot in the direction you are looking.


Bedrock and end portal frames now drop themselves when mined.

Sand and gravel are now renewable. Simply use stone, gravel, or sandstone in a stonecutter.

Endermen can spawn with any block. By any block, I mean ANY block, including air, fire, bedrock, barriers and command blocks. This means every single block in the game is now renewable and obtainable in survival.

Minecarts can carry blocks now.


Villagers can no longer gossip.

Villagers now prefer emerald ore as currency and can give you entities (including creepers) as trades.


Naming an iron golem “billyballong” will make the iron golem offer a flower to players with the following usernames (case-insensitive):

  • maria
  • alva
  • neo
  • hidetaka
  • miyazaki

The End

End portal frames will generate in nether fortress chests and point towards the nearest stronghold when placed.

If you destroy all end crystals then punch the dragon, you can ride the ender dragon. Fly below y=-32 to teleport to the top of the overworld.

nothing to see here move along

The game has an intro jingle at nothingtoseeheremovealong:awesome_intro that sounds suspiciously like the SEGA jingle.

The nothingtoseeheremovealong:ooof sound plays when a mob steals an item from you or an enderman trades its held block with you by attacking you.


Wolves named “Mars” have a unique texture.

Players named “Ulraf” can eat bamboo, which has the properties of an enchanted golden apple.

Skeletons and similar mobs have perfect accuracy when wearing 2 spyglasses.

Stone, end stone, and deepslate can turn into stairs/bricks/walls/slabs when destroyed with an explosion.

The mood in the debug screen was changed to “Number of ghosts in world”.

All splash texts were replaced with variations of “One block at a time!”.

placeSpecificStateBecauseCodeQualityIsNotImportant and hotBlocksInYourArea are now function names that exist.

Update suppression added back (just kidding).


April 1 2022

  • Various changes