
Minecraft 21w15a

This snapshot adds goat ramming, raw ore blocks, and marker entities. The Caves & Cliffs update was also split in two. See the changelog and the announcement.

Goat Ramming

Goats will ram any mob (except other goats) as well as players and armor stands.

Goats have a 600-6000 tick cooldown (30 seconds to 5 minutes, uniform random, both ends inclusive) between rams and on spawn. This massive cooldown may be why some people say the feature hasn’t been implemented yet. Even if the cooldown expires, goats will not try to ram if it is being tempted or bred. If a goat fails to ram, it will wait 600 ticks (30 seconds) before trying again.

When the goat decides to ram, it will choose from the mobs it can see, probably the closest one the first mob that loaded into the chunk (thanks gnembon, reported by xisumavoid). If that mob is within 4-7 blocks, Manhattan distance, the goat will target that mob.

Every time the goat ram target moves to a different block, the goat will recalculate its ramming path. If the target goes out of range, it will stop trying to ram.

Goats will prepare to ram for 20 ticks (1 second) when it finds a target. During that time, the goat has 25% extra speed.

Once the preparation time expires, the goat will charge at the mob at triple its normal speed. Adults do 2 damage when ramming and babies do 1 damage.

When hit by an adult goat, the mob will be knocked back by 4.125x the goat’s speed, with a minimum of 0.5 blocks/sec and a maximum of 7.5 blocks/sec. For a baby,the mob will be knocked back by 1.65x the goat’s speed, minimum 0.2 blocks/sec, maximum 3.0 blocks/sec. If a mob blocks the ram (such as with a shield) they will get knocked back half as much.


If a goat hits a creeper, the creeper will not target the goat. Creepers do not flee from goats like they do from cats.

Marker Entities

Other entities cannot ride markers, and will immediately dismount if you try to force them to.

Raw Blocks

Raw iron, raw copper, and raw gold have hardness 5 and blast resistance 6. Raw iron and raw copper blocks need a stone pickaxe or better, while raw gold blocks need an iron pickaxe or better, the same as their respective ores.


The feature has been delayed to a future update.


May 28 2021

  • Corrected goats ramming “probably the closest” mob thanks to new information from gnembon